
THE PULSE OF EUROPE : Feeling the Pulse, Facing the Problems

How do Europeans rate their nation’s top problems? The first two problems listed for each country were the ones most often mentioned in the Times Mirror Poll; the third item selected was from among other issues identified in the survey.

Britain Unemployment 39% General Economy 32% National Health Service 7%

Bulgaria Don’t Know/No Answer 42% Low Living Standard 13% Political Chaos 6%

Czechoslovakia General Economy 52% Unemployment 22% Moral Attitudes 5%

France Unemployment 64% General Economy 16% Immigration 11%

Germany Problems of Unification 44% Unemployment/Inflation 23% Environment 9%

Hungary General Economy 34% Unemployment 28% National Debt 9%

Italy Unemployment 24% General Economy 19% Bad Government 13%

Lithuania Problems of Independence 52% General Economy 27% Low Living Standard 3%

Poland General Economy 29% Unemployment 27% Agriculture 15%

Spain Unemployment 60% Drugs 36% Crime/Violence 30%

Russian Federation General Economy 60% Threat of Starvation 18% Ethnic Strife 5%

Ukraine General Economy 60% Threat of Starvation 14% Lack of Stability 5%
