
Christmas in September

Sunrise Bakery

1813 3rd Ave. East

Hibbing, Minn. 55746

(800) 782-6736

Brochure Available

Visa and MasterCard

Potica (po-TEET-sah) is a traditional Yugoslavian holiday sweet bread that takes all day to make. It is filled with fresh ground walnuts, sweet butter and rich honey. The best way to eat it is sliced thin and served with a cup of coffee. Expert Old World cooks still take the time to make it at home, but Los Angeles is a little short on Old World Slovenians.

I think my mother makes the world’s best potica , but the second-best comes from Hibbing, Minn., a tiny town near Duluth that’s famous for being the place where Bob Dylan grew up. For 78 years the family that owns the Sunrise Bakery has been making wonderful potica with all-natural ingredients. By now the potica is so famous that demand exceeds the bakery’s ability to supply it at holiday time. Those who want potica for Christmas must have their orders in by late fall. Fortunately potica keeps in the refrigerator for a month and it freezes well. A one-pound loaf is $6.95, plus $2.95 postage.

Order one and you’re likely to order another; potica has a way of becoming a tradition.
