
Temple City : Alley to Be Fenced Off

Residents on Sultana Avenue, bothered by vagrants gathering in an alley behind a shopping center, will not be getting a block-wall buffer, but the center’s owner did get city permission Tuesday for an alternative solution to the problem.

A year ago, GVD Investment Properties got the city’s permission to build a 3,000-square-foot building at Rosemead Boulevard and Longden Avenue by agreeing to raise the existing wall at the rear of the property to eight feet.

However, Community Development Director Robert Dawson said, a study has since shown that the existing wall, which varies from 4 1/2 to 6 feet in height, will not support the addition.


So on Tuesday, the City Council approved a GVD proposal to use wrought iron fences to block access routes to the alley behind its buildings.

Tom Pugel, a spokesman for Sultana residents, said they approve of the plan.
