
No Injuries Reported in Fire at DWP Plant

A spectacular fire shooting flames 100 feet into the air burned for about 30 minutes Monday evening at a Los Angeles Department of Water and Power plant in Long Beach, a DWP spokeswoman said.

The fire, which sent a thick column of black smoke into the air shortly after 7 p.m., broke out in a transformer bank of the Haynes Generating Station, but customer service was not interrupted and there were no injuries reported, said Mindy Berman of the DWP’s public affairs office.

Firefighters used heavy foam to extinguish the blaze and prevent it from reaching 6,000 gallons of lubricating oil. Workers also moved hydrogen tanks away from the fire.


The blaze caused about $1 million in damage, according to Robert A. Caldon of the Long Beach Fire Department.

“We don’t know how it started,” Berman said. “We are certainly going to look into that.”
