
PLATFORM : Open the Books


Every public revelation of a televangelist’s private or financial indiscretion brings an outcry for a government organization to protect the public.

Where would you find these bureaucrats to sit in judgment? Such a suggestion is as silly as Ted Kennedy sitting on the Senate Judiciary Committee passing moral judgment on Judge Clarence Thomas.

There is a simple answer, however. Require all “tax-exempt” organizations to make complete financial disclosures as a condition of their continued tax-exempt status.


This financial disclosure and the press’ continued reporting on the personal lives of these televangelists is all that is needed.

Only individual contributors have a legitimate interest in a televangelist’sprivate life. However, all taxpayers have a legitimate interest in the financial affairs of any organization granted tax-exempt status.

Given the truth, the public will need no government involvement--they will protect themselves by closing their checkbooks to the phonies.
