
Seymour Pushes Probe

In response to “Seymour Attains High Profile in Urging Probe,” Oct. 24:

Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) is absolutely incorrect when he states that Sen. John Seymour (R-Calif.) is not tied to the old-boy network. Just how does Simpson think Seymour got to be a senator? Certainly not by the election of the people, but rather by an appointment from one of the “old boys.”

To use the leak as a scapegoat to avoid the real issues of the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill fiasco is just another attempt to distract the voters away from the real issues at hand. FBI investigations are costly and never get to the source of the leak.

Seymour’s attempt to appease the voters with his high-profile press conferences and old-boy-style rhetoric is frankly insulting. For my tax dollar I prefer to look at Seymour’s voting record, which to date I find very poor.



San Luis Obispo
