
Critic of Hiring Gays Trying to Confuse Issue

In the article on C.J. Segerstrom & Sons--the owner and manager of the South Coast Plaza mall--changing its policy toward hiring and promoting gays and lesbians, “Segerstrom Will Change Policy and Ban Gay Discrimination” (Oct. 23), it was reported that the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon called the new policy “foolish” and predicted that “people will just avoid the mall at Christmastime if they see gays blowing whistles and fondling each other.”

Huh? I thought we were talking about employment practices. Sheldon is trying to confuse the issue with absurd, irrelevant imagery.

As a heterosexual, I am ashamed and angered at the antics of people such as Sheldon, who would deprive gays and lesbians of the necessities of life in the name of religion. (Sheldon was behind the effort that changed the Irvine ordinance that now allows discrimination in housing and employment.)


What legitimate cleric would spend all of his time attempting to harass and harm a large portion of society? This man is not a true Christian.

I, for one, will patronize institutions that adopt and support non-discriminatory employment practices, and I will withhold my dollars from those which do not. I encourage others to do the same. That is the best and quickest way to see that change is implemented.


Newport Beach
