
Man Arrested After Spikes in Road End Chase

A man who reportedly stole a vehicle on Saturday led authorities on a 62-mile chase from Los Angeles to Ventura, where he was captured by highway patrol officers who punctured his tires by laying spikes in the road.

Frank Pinon, 40, of Stockton was taken into custody at 9:55 a.m. near Seaward Avenue after the hourlong pursuit, Los Angeles Police Sgt. Frank Moore said. Pinon was taken back to Los Angeles, where he was booked on suspicion of stealing the white 1984 Cadillac he was driving.

During the pursuit, Pinon eluded police and the California Highway Patrol by driving at speeds of up to 80 m.p.h. on the Ventura Freeway, authorities said.


A Ventura County sheriff’s helicopter tracked Pinon’s car as it raced along the freeway, they said.

Finally at Seaward Avenue, the strip of spikes punctured the tires on Pinon’s car. The car came to a stop about a quarter-mile away, and Pinon was detained without incident, CHP Sgt. Matt DeMarco said.

Traffic was backed up for about 15 minutes because the northbound lanes of the Ventura Freeway were closed temporarily, he said.
