
The Price <i> Is</i> Too High for Some, but Football Is Worth It for Others

I am writing in response to the article, “Is the Price Too High?” by Robert Carmichael (Jan. 1).

This article seemed to me very contradictory. Mr. Carmichael states early in the piece that he established his identity and self-esteem through playing football. Then he goes on to say that the personal price for being a football player was too high. Make up your mind. This article is a one-sided, negative view of football.

I also played in the Big Eight from 1977-81, but unlike Mr. Carmichael, I played for Nebraska. I was a wide receiver and I, too, have injuries that I feel every day. But I made a choice to play football and so did Mr. Carmichael. No one forced us to play, we chose to.


My life has been enriched in many ways by having played this game. Over the years, I developed a strong work ethic, discipline, focus and self-esteem, to mention a few. And of course the camaraderie. You learn that it takes more than yourself to get the job done, that we must trust in each other and work together to accomplish the task while at the same time striving to be the best. All of these things and more I learned on the football field and I’ve carried them with me throughout my life.

So if you asked me if my bad knee was worth it, I’d say: “You bet it was.” We all have a choice in this life and I made the choice to play football . . . and so did Mr. Carmichael.


Woodland Hills
