
The makers of the explosive 1982 Vice...

The makers of the explosive 1982 Vice Squad (KTLA Sunday at 8 p.m.) make a world of their own on film from the authentically raw and garish street life of Hollywood Boulevard. Not for the squeamish.

Tremors (NBC Sunday at 9 p.m.), a jocular, good-time 1990 monster film with surprises up its sleeve and a comedy-Western sensibility, stars Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward, with a hilarious acting turn by country singer Reba McIntire.

The impact of the Vietnam War on American working-class lives is the great theme of Michael Cimino’s 1978 multi-Oscar winner The Deer Hunter (KTLA Monday at 8 p.m., concluding Tuesday at 8 p.m.), which stars Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, John Savage, John Cazale and Meryl Streep.


A singular quirkiness characterizes all the work of writer John Patrick Shanley, including the 1989 The January Man (KTTV Monday at 8 p.m.), which was directed by Ireland’s Pat O’Connor; unfortunately, the unpredictability of this 1989 film is at once charming and exasperating. Kevin Kline heads a starry cast as a New York ex-police detective and current fireman recalled to pursue a serial killer.

Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 RoboCop (ABC Monday at 9 p.m.) is ferocious comic book fare, starring Peter Weller as a slaughtered Detroit cop whose head and heart are mounted in a robot, the ultimate crime-stopper.

Paul Mazurksy’s engaging 1984 Moscow on the Hudson (KTTV Monday at 8 p.m.) is a serious comedy on the nature of personal freedom and the contemporary immigrant experience. Robin Williams is irresistible as a Moscow circus saxophonist who defects in Bloomingdale’s.


The 1987 Death Before Dishonor (KTLA Thursday at 8 p.m.) is another chunk of warmed-over “Rambo,” another big, overblown, blood-drenched revenge movie, set in a fictional Middle Eastern country.

My Name Is Bertolt Brecht: Exile in USA (KCET Friday at midnight) is a 1989 East German documentary made by Peter Rommel and covering the years 1941-47, most of which Brecht spent in Hollywood.

Fatal Attraction (CBS Saturday at 8 p.m.), that shamelessly manipulative 1987 blockbuster, finds Glenn Close, after a fling with Michael Douglas, terrorizing his family.


Larry McMurtry’s Montana (KTLA Saturday at 9 p.m.) is a 1990 adult TV Western, made vigorous and refreshing by the crusty performances of Richard Crenna and Gena Rowlands as embattled cowpunchers; she wants to preserve the land, he wants to sell out.

KCET offers an H.G. Clouzot Saturday night double feature of classic suspense pictures: Diabolique (at 9) and the shortened (but still powerful) The Wages of Fear (at 11).
