
John Robbins, who walked away from the...

John Robbins, who walked away from the Baskin-Robbins ice cream inheritance to promote vegetarianism and environmentalism, will speak at Occidental College on Monday.

Robbins, 43, will talk about “Healing Ourselves-Healing Our World.” The 8 p.m. event in Herrick Hall, 1600 Campus Road in Eagle Rock, is free.

It has been more than 20 years since Robbins left the business his father helped create in 1948. He has since become one of the country’s most outspoken critics of the dairy and meat industries.


Four years ago, Robbins wrote “Diet for a New America,” a book that was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. The work--the basis for a PBS television program that urged viewers to cut down on eating animal products--is considered the bible for many vegetarians nationwide.

In 1988, Robbins founded EarthSave, a national environmental education organization based in Santa Cruz.
