
LOS ANGELES : Latino Leaders Call for Release of Koon Video

A group of Latino community leaders Tuesday called for the release of a Los Angeles Police Department training video showing Sgt. Stacey Koon kicking a Latino man in the groin, and demanded an investigation into the incident.

In his yet-to-be published book, Koon said the video “was to become a legend in its own time.” It shows Koon kicking a man whom he said was under the influence of PCP.

Koon was acquitted last month of excessive force charges in the beating of motorist Rodney G. King.


Latino leaders said the videotape validates the Christopher Commission’s findings of widespread racism and brutality in the Police Department. “This is outrageous,” said Gloria Romero, a member of the Hispanic Advisory Council to the city’s Police Commission. “It shows there is a need for structural reform in the LAPD. We do not want our officers trained with this video.”
