
Bike Helmet Law Isn’t Needed, but Safe Cycling Is

The proposed bicycle helmet law is another bad idea by purportedly well-intentioned people (“Children’s Helmet Law Nears Vote,” June 26).

First of all, if you are riding your bike and cross city borders, which many people do, you will be subjected to different laws regarding helmet requirements. This law also does not differentiate by circumstance as to the necessity of helmets and is another layer of Big Brotherism that we just do not need in our lives.

Six hundred deaths per year nationwide is not a cause for panic. There are a lot more serious health issues that would justify adding another law to the mile-high pile of laws we already have to wade through. As usual, the public never hears about it until it is already passed.


It seems like we taxpayers are always easier pickings to devise the laws against than drug addicts who bear children who will be required to be supported by the taxpayers for the rest of their lives and who will have astronomical medical bills that we the taxpayers will also have to pay for.

But it would be more difficult to make drug addicts comply; therefore, let’s go pick on us responsible taxpayers.

