
Even With High Fence, 280 Yards Isn’t Out of Daly’s Range

Associated Press

John Daly is coming! John Daly is coming!

When word went out to the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, organizers of the 121st British Open, they didn’t exactly lock up the women and children.

They built a fence.

An 18-foot high screen fence was erected at the end of the 280-yard range at the Muirfield links in an attempt to keep Daly’s practice drives off the eighth fairway.

It didn’t work.

Daly, golf’s longest hitter, used a new driver--the “Killer Whale,” he called it--and, aided by a 20-m.p.h. wind, easily cleared the barrier in a practice session for the tournament, which begins Thursday.


“I’m a high-ball hitter. When you get it up in a wind like this, it just goes,” he said of the exhibition.
