
The White House and Congress

Here are a few things to consider the next time George Bush and his boys spout their contrived invective concerning Congress:

Congress is doing its job. The primary duties of Congress are to author legislation and appropriate funds. While President Bush may not agree with the results, these duties are being performed. Congress is a deliberative body representing many different views and interests. By its very design it is contentious. Of course there is conflict, but there is also compromise. Bush has vetoed 30 pieces of legislation in 3 1/2 years. Not one of these vetoes has been overridden. I ask you, where is the legislative gridlock? It is in the White House.

Congress is our most direct link to government--yours and mine. Your congressman represents the interests of a majority of the people in your district. Call your representative with a complaint and your problem will be listened to, and probably addressed. Call the White House or the Supreme Court with a complaint and see how much of a response you get.


We directly elect our representatives. Ninety-eight percent of the incumbents were reelected in 1990 because people felt their representatives were doing a good job. So when Bush blames Congress for this country’s problems he is indirectly attacking you and me: He is saying we were not smart enough to choose representatives who will do the job we elected them to do.


San Diego
