
ORANGE : Director of City Libraries Resigns

Library Director Karen Leo has resigned her post and will officially leave the city today for a new job in Corona.

After seven years in Orange, Leo leaves her $77,000-a-year position as head of the main Orange library, three branches, the Friendly Stop library satellite and a collection of about 180,000 volumes to lead the significantly smaller Corona Public Library.

In fact, Corona has the smallest number of books per capita in the state, Leo said. The city has only one central branch and a system of about 79,000 books, but Leo will oversee the library’s move to a 60,000-square-foot building in March. Her new salary will be about $80,000 per year.


Although Leo had battled the city’s recent decision to open a joint library with Rancho Santiago College, she said it did not influence her decision to leave Orange. She said she could no longer endure the 35-mile drive to Orange from her home in Riverside County. Her new job will give her a 14-mile commute.

During her tenure, Leo oversaw the opening of the Santiago Hills branch and the Friendly Stop satellite and helped raise $200,000 in grant money. In addition, the city Redevelopment Agency recently allocated $3 million for a new main library site.

Until recently, the library’s hours of service had increased 28% and its circulation 45%. But as of August 10, hours at the three branch libraries will be cut by 30% because the city’s hiring freeze has left the library understaffed.


The search for her replacement has not begun, Leo said.
