
SIMI VALLEY : Chamber Official to Offer Outlook

A member of the state Chamber of Commerce will give a speech on the outlook for business in California at a joint breakfast meeting hosted by the Moorpark and Simi Valley chambers of commerce.

The speaker, Wilford (Woody) Godbold Jr., is the head of the state chamber’s new task force on keeping businesses in the California, said Carol Hunt, executive director of the Moorpark chamber.

In his speech, Godbold will discuss the task force’s campaign to ease state government regulations and reform the workers’ compensation program, Hunt said.


The meeting will be held Friday from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at Clarion Hotel, 1775 Madera Road, Simi Valley. The cost is $7 for chamber members and $10 for non-members. Reservations should be made by noon Thursday. For reservations or information, call 522-0322 or 526-3900.
