
PLATFORM : Lost Children

<i> Hair-products mogul VIDAL SASSOON wants Congress to pass legislation on hunger and family preservation. He told The Times:</i>

Our country is losing its competitive edge. Our weaknesses are not unrelated to how the United States cares for its children. Surely we cannot lead the world when, in this land of plenty, over 5 million of our children go hungry each month.

In Western Europe, people are ennobled by public education and they pity us for the shambles we have allowed our cities to become. Culture, ideas and creativity mostly develop in great cities, not bedroom communities where people escape out of fear of “the other.” Where did our great meritocracy lose its way?

We must embrace policies such as the Children’s Initiative now before Congress, policies that allow our children to become healthy, strong and innovative. Early investment in our children is an important way to break the vicious cycle of disaffection and despair.


Hunger weakens growing bodies and poses a peril to developing brains--it saps the ability to learn and drains the enthusiasm to succeed. As hungry children are deprived of opportunities, our nation is deprived of their contributions.
