
COUNTYWIDE : Participation Urged in Anti-Crime Event

Police departments in Orange County are urging residents to participate in tonight’s National Night Out, a coast-to-coast anti-crime campaign.

National Night Out is designed to heighten crime prevention awareness, generate support for and involvement in anti-crime efforts and send a message of neighborhood unity, police said.

Police urge residents to “put a light on crime” from 8 to 10 p.m. by turning on exterior home or apartment lights, locking doors and going outside to meet with neighbors to discuss setting up a Neighborhood Watch program.


Some police departments are sponsoring additional programs in the evening. For more information, police said, residents should call their crime prevention or community services divisions.

National Night Out “shows the crooks there’s unity in neighborhoods because it is the one thing everyone can do,” said Sharon Parsons, a crime prevention officer with the Buena Park Police Department.

“I think for many, lighting is a good deterrent” to crime.
