
The Party <i> Isn’t</i> Over

In “Is the Party Over?” writer Jane Hall quotes several sources who suggest that the national political conventions be edited or completely eliminated from prime-time television (Aug. 16).

The convention coverage provides a great opportunity for the public to become interested in and educated about the issues. Without such coverage, the campaigns are reduced to sound bites and slick television ads. But I do have one recommendation: Edit the hourlong presidential acceptance speeches.

At the 1924 Republican National Convention, the delegates were forced to listen to a long-winded orator in a warm auditorium. When the orator noticed that the delegates were not paying attention, he stopped his speech and yelled: “That’s all right; I’m speaking for the benefit of posterity anyway.” In the press gallery, Will Rogers responded: “If he don’t get done with that thing pretty soon, they’ll be here.”



