
SIMI VALLEY : Residents Urged to Shop Locally

The Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce and city officials kicked off a “Shop Simi Valley” campaign Tuesday, urging residents to spend their dollars in local stores and not at malls in other cities.

Mayor Greg Stratton said residents may not realize that sales tax revenue provides more than 25% of the city’s general fund budget.

“When they go to the San Fernando Valley or to Thousand Oaks, they take away dollars for police and roads,” he said.


The city provided $7,350 in redevelopment funds to help the chamber launch the shopping campaign. The campaign includes a logo and the slogan, “Yes, You Can Find It in Simi Valley.”

Chamber officials said they will send cards to about 2,500 local business owners asking if they want to be included on a shopping map to be mailed to every home in the city during October.

The back of the map will list businesses by merchandise or services. Their locations will correspond to a number on the map. Chamber leaders hope that residents will use the map to patronize local stores and make fewer purchases outside the city.


“We want the residents of Simi Valley to do their shopping here,” said chamber President Gayle Ward.
