
Unemployment Story Omits Temp Option

As someone who has been in the employment agency business for more than eight years, I empathize with the unemployed workers profiled in “The Endless Search” (Sept. 6), and anyone else struggling to find work.

However, with each article about the plight of the unemployed, it ceases to amaze me that rarely is it mentioned that working as a “temporary” is a viable option.

Most companies are not comfortable with paying full-time placement fees.

A vast majority of firms are utilizing a temporary to full-time approach, thus eliminating the financial risk of a placement fee.


So, for many of us, the temp help business is thriving.

As a result, many individuals are using us as a way to get their foot in the door of the industries they would like work in.

There are many temp jobs available. There are many good agencies that do “full-service” work.

They not only recruit and retain workers, they also offer ongoing free training to enhance skills.


Why not offer temp work as an option when reporting on the plight of the unemployed?

It’s certainly better than losing your skills or collecting unemployment.


