
Countywide : Bush OKs Funds for Local Projects

President Bush signed an appropriations bill Friday that includes $5.6 million for several projects in Ventura County, officials said.

About $2.5 million will go to dredging Channel Islands Harbor and $1.1 million to dredging Ventura Harbor, and $1 million is earmarked to continue a study of Santa Paula Creek, said John Frith, a spokesman for Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley).

Other appropriations include:

* $500,000 to begin construction of breakwater improvements at the Ventura Harbor. The project will extend the north jetty and offshore breakwater and add a 650-foot groin near the south jetty. Harbor officials say the improvements will make the harbor entrance safer.


* $320,000 to complete a flood control study for the channel between Camarillo and Point Mugu.

* $200,000 to begin a study of the Port of Hueneme to determine whether deepening the channel is needed.
