
Prop. V and Funds for Redondo Schools

Let’s set the record straight. The effects of Proposition V for split unification are being misrepresented by the opposition.

To even get on the November ballot, the county and state had to and did perform independent financial assessments of this proposition. The report completed by the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization states:

“The new revenue limit for the proposed Redondo Beach Unified School District is $3,596.92 per ADA, which is approximately 12% higher than the average for unified districts in California . . . the new high revenue limit bodes well for the financial health of the (new unified) district.”


Under Proposition V, our local funding base from all sources will increase by about 8%, which means a larger share of our local property taxes returned to Redondo Beach for our students’ education. There will be no increase in our taxes. This tax revenue is already being collected and shared with other school districts in the state. Remember, since Proposition 13, schools have not been funded solely by local taxes, but receive a share of that revenue as determined by Sacramento. The Redondo Beach City School District currently receives $2,850 per ADA, the lowest amount among all the South Bay districts and still the district maintains outstanding educational programs, excellent staff relations, safe campuses, and is fiscally sound.

The claim of possible parcel taxation has never been discussed by the Redondo Beach City School District Board of Education. It was discussed by the South Bay High School board as a possible funding source to retain high school programs. Which system--the high school or elementary--is in financial peril? It is certainly not Redondo Beach City Elementary School District.

Finally, Proposition V allows Redondo Beach residents the first opportunity in its history to elect one board of education for all of its schools responsive to the educational concerns and community issues of the local citizens. Only with unification can we keep Redondo Union High School a permanent educational institution in our city.







Redondo Beach City School

District Board of Trustees
