
Bush on Clinton’s Trip to Moscow

When it comes to the character issue Bush is a hypocrite.

* He demands that Clinton do for the draft issue what Bush has yet to have done with regard to the Iran-Contra and Iraqgate scandals: provide an explanation for his behavior that is satisfactory to the majority of Americans.

* He insinuates that Clinton lacks patriotism, yet it is Bush who has failed to serve his country. At a time when our nation desperately needs leadership, integrity and a vision for the future, Bush has given us only excuses, misinformation and divisive, paranoid echoes from the depths of our Cold War past--anything to avoid addressing the real issues.

* While he disclaims responsibility for mudslinging, and decries the tone of the campaign, he has consistently engaged in the calculated tactics of character assassination, innuendo and fear-mongering.


Character is an issue in this campaign, and Bush is sorely lacking. God save us from four more years.


San Diego
