
When Is Enough Madonna Enough?

Regarding the article on Madonna, “Has Madonna Gone Too Far?” (Oct. 9), the question is no longer whether she has gone too far, for we have been asked that question for 10 years. Every time she comes out with something new, that question is always there. No, the new question is: When are we going to say enough?

I usually enjoy Madonna’s candor and her freedom to express herself in that particular Madonna way. But, after viewing her newest video, “Erotica,” I was extremely upset. It speaks of eroticism and romance and yet shows pictures of bondage and sadomasochism. What is romantic? I have no idea.

The saddest part is that there are a lot of Madonna’s fans that are younger teen-agers, and this type of material is not suitable for them. Does she really believe she is going to free everyone’s sexuality and make parents explain why it is that she has to express herself in such pornographic ways? The most this will do is repel people from her.


It is truly sad that she feels the need to use pornography, because the human body can be a beautiful thing, but not with such a blatant disregard for taste and subtlety. But, then, no one said Madonna is ever subtle. Maybe someone should explain it to her and also how to educate people about sex with a measure of decorum.


