
3 Candidates Favoring Hospital Renovation Gain Endorsement

From a Times Staff Writer

A committee with the backing of some South Bay Hospital officials has been formed to support three candidates running for seats on the hospital district board, which owns the Redondo Beach medical facility.

The committee has thrown its support behind candidates Harlan J. Curwick, incumbent James Riewer and Archie Snow.

The committee was formed with the help of Dick Fitzgerald, who until last month was chairman of the South Bay Hospital board of directors, which oversees hospital operations. Its supporters include Bill Recknor, the current board chairman.


Known as the South Bay District Health Committee, the group expects to raise about $10,000 for advertising and other campaign expenses.

Curwick, Riewer and Snow all support investing district funds to modernize the 208-bed facility, which is leased to American Medical International, a for-profit chain that has asked for the district’s financial support.

Meanwhile, a second committee, known as Working for a Healthier Community, is running ads backing three other candidates, Dick Fruin, Dr. Gerald Looney and Aviva Kamin, who have expressed skepticism about the AMI proposal and say they want to explore other methods of supporting the hospital.


Fruin said Thursday that he expects the group to raise about $10,000.

The three other candidates in the race--Mark Bourgeois, Lori Herold and Ray E. Thomas--have each filed statements saying they do not expect to receive or spend more than $1,000 in their campaigns.
