
Proposition A

People are asking why the Board of Supervisors put Proposition A, a half-cent sales tax increase, on the ballot this year when so many people are suffering from the recession and there is an anti-tax sentiment throughout the nation. This question deserves a frank response.

The answer is simple. Based on 1991 and 1992 crime statistics, if we were to wait two years until the next general election in 1994, the San Diego area would see an additional 8,000 drug babies, 2,000 rapes, 500 homicides, 31,000 aggravated assaults, 17,000 robberies, 70,000 burglaries, 111,000 larceny cases, 68,000 auto thefts, 1,400 arson cases, and thousands of criminal actions currently not even reported.

We cannot afford to wait. The people of San Diego County deserve more protection now. We must do what we can to get violent crime and drugs under control. Proposition A is a fair tax, a must tax. It will not apply to housing, groceries, medicine or gasoline and the monies raised can only be spent for your protection: police, jails, courts and crime prevention.



Chairman, County Board of Supervisors
