
Racial Unrest in L.A. Schools

Let’s predict the future.

Due to the dramatic increase in violence on school campuses the Los Angeles Unified School District will employ numerous consultants to figure out the solutions to the problem. All of these consultants will be former district administrators who took early retirement. These consultants will call for the hiring of hundreds of more police officers, the installation of metal detectors at the entrances to each campus, and the purchase of millions of dollars worth of surveillance equipment.

These consultants will also recommend that the LAUSD set up an office of student race relations and violence suppression headed by yet another junior assistant associate deputy under superintendent of instruction with his/her countless underlings affectionately referred to as “support staff.”

Of course, next year teachers in the LAUSD will be told that, due to the increased cost of security, they will not receive any pay raise and, in fact, will see their salaries cut for the third year in a row.


And the public will wonder what teachers mean when they say they’re tired of subsidizing public education with their paychecks.

LOU COHAN, South Gate High School
