
FULLERTON : Low-Cost Child Care Offered at CSUF

To help parents with small children attend Cal State Fullerton, the campus student association has provided low-cost child care at the Children’s Center for the last 20 years.

The center recently received a $59,000 federal grant that will allow about 30 children of low-income parents to attend free this school year.

“I wouldn’t be going to school if it wasn’t for this,” Kathi Niehaus said as she left her 2-year-old son, Nicky, at the center on a recent school day.


It was Nicky’s second birthday, and he was all spiffed up, his hair spiked with gel. To help him celebrate, his mother brought along cupcakes for him and the other youngsters at the center.

“It’s really difficult to get quality care,” said Niehaus, who is studying communicative disorders in a master’s program.

Center Director Betsy Gibbs said the facility is supported by the Associated Students as well as state and federal grants. About 225 children use the center each year, coming for anywhere from four hours to 45 hours each week, she said.


The children are cared for by paid staff, volunteers and interns, Gibbs said.
