
Oaktown Hero

Regarding “Hammer & Co. Are Gettin’ Hammered in ‘Oaktown,’ ” by Tom Scanlon (Nov. 22), in which a fellow rapper says, “(Hammer) was at the pinnacle, and he sold out his people in Oakland”:

What drew my attention was the insinuation that Hammer does not give back to Oakland or anywhere else.

Since May 1, I have had a very strong partnership with Hammer and his management and staff. The results of that partnership are as follows:


* Nearly 700,000 pounds of food has been raised and distributed to less-fortunate Americans.

* More than 57 cities in America have received more than 10,000 pounds of food because of Hammer’s performances at the U.S.A. Harvest National Hunger Relief Concert and the “Too Legit” tour coast to coast.

* More than 80,000 pounds of food was donated by the Hammer/U.S.A. Harvest partnership to riot-torn Los Angeles.


* Finally and coincidentally, Hammer will be attending an event in Oakland this month to conclude this year’s Hammer/U.S.A. Harvest partnership, report on its results and contribute more than 40,000 pounds of food to the agencies in Oakland that help those less fortunate.

As you can see, the results of an internationally renowned entertainer who really does make things happen can be profound. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have eaten at least one good meal because of Hammer’s compassion and actions.


Chairman, U.S.A. Harvest

Louisville, Ky.
