
Mahony and KCET

I once more found myself startled at the offensive arrogance of Cardinal Roger M. Mahony (“Mahony, KCET Make Peace, Disagree Anew,” Dec. 2). Yet again, he feels it necessary to instruct the general populace on what it can and cannot view. His protestations to “Stop the Church” are utterly witless and unsound. What gives one human the right to decide for millions that an aberrant, insightful documentary may be a form of encouragement to all the “hate-mongers” in the world? I would like to believe that I exist in a society where I may form my own opinions on what I see and hear. The “relevant and intelligent programming” at KCET must continue to capture a “balance of views” even if certain ideas and actions are not popular with all viewers.


La Jolla
