
Dr. Bernard Salick, CEO of Los Angeles-based...

Dr. Bernard Salick, CEO of Los Angeles-based Salick Health Care, received kudos this month from the Los Angeles Unified Board of Education for a job-training program he created for Fremont High School students after the April-May riots. Fremont was chosen for the program because of its proximity to the civil unrest.

Salick also received proclamations from City Councilwoman Rita Walters’ office and from Fremont High School students. The school board’s proclamation read, in part, “. . . with our sincere appreciation and thanks for developing a unique sponsor-a-school project with Fremont High School giving 11th- and 12th-graders an opportunity in various health care occupations.”

Six sophomores will be selected each year to participate in the year-round program, in which they will be taught various health-care specialties, including nursing, medical technology and medical administration.


The students will be eligible for tuition assistance after they graduate from high school. Those who graduate from college will be offered jobs at Salick’s health-care centers.

The Promenade of Prominence Committee has enshrined Dr. James A. Mays in the Walk Way of Fame of the People at 103rd Street and Success Avenue in Watts.

Although Mays is the founder and creator of the walk at Will Rogers Park, the nominating committee believed that after six years it was time for the cardiologist to be recognized for his volunteer work in the community.


Recipients are selected by a nominating committee that uses established criteria. The nominee, who can be dead or alive, must have made a positive contribution or possess role-model qualities within the community. Among the people who have been honored are Kenneth Hahn, Maxine Walters and Danny Bakewell.
