
FACES ’93 : Some Names to Be Reckoned With in the New Year : COUNTRY

Ahhh, a new year and so many unknowns: Will Jay, Dave and Johnny be genetically spliced to produce the Ultimate Talk Show Host? Will the Yuppie-in-Chief name Stevie Nicks to run the NEA? Who will Sinead pick as her tag team partner against Madonna and the Pope? Will the activist group AWOE (Actresses With One Eyebrow) demand that one of them be chosen to play Frida Kahlo? Oh well, frivolity aside, one thing is certain: You’ll be hearing these names and seeing these faces in the next 365.

Sammy Kershaw

It not a good sign that this Louisiana native lists Kansas’ hapless “Dust in the Wind” as his favorite song, but Kershaw, 34, may have the most character-rich voice of all the new Nashville breed. He’s got a George Jones-like timbre and phrasing that convinces you that he has lived through every hard-time and heartache he sings about. A strong second album should give him the commanding presence that so far has eluded him.
