
Norway Whaling

A letter writer (Jan. 11) “talks about the multimillion-dollar whaling industry of Norway that uses multimillion-dollar whaling ships, which are floating factories, capable of killing thousands of whales each year. . . .” Such “industry” simply does not exist. Permit me to present the following information which should clarify Norway’s decision to resume traditional small-type whaling in 1993.

Small-type whaling, which is mostly carried out in Norway’s base economic zone, has always been part of the country’s utilization of marine resources. It provides the essential basis for future settlement in the sparsely populated local communities along the Norwegian coast. Since it started in about 1930, however, small-type whaling has been subject to increased regulations in keeping with the growing understanding of the need for ecological sound utilization of stocks.

In 1987 the Norwegian government imposed a temporary ban on commercial whaling and also established a national research program for sea mammals for the period 1988-1992. The results of the research on Northeast Atlantic minke whales have formed part of the International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) comprehensive assessment. In 1992 the Scientific Committee of the IWC estimated the size of the Northeast Atlantic minke whale stock to be 86,700 animals. The committee, based on its findings, agreed that commercial small-type minke whaling in the Northeast Atlantic could be resumed. On the basis of the findings the Norwegian government decided to allow small-type commercial whaling to be resumed in 1993. The whaling will be limited to the harvesting of minke whale and will be conducted on the basis of fair and reasonable catch limits, ensuring sustainable management.


There should be no doubt that the government of Norway supports the conservation of species, including marine mammals, that are threatened with serious depletion or extinction. However, according to the IWC Scientific Committee, this is not the case with the minke whale. I would like to underline that Norway is in compliance with its obligations as a member of the IWC under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling as well as obligations under other international agreements.


Consul General of Norway

Los Angeles
