
Let the Working Class Take Charge : Mayor’s race: Our problems stem from a global crisis in the capitalist system; the solutions lie in global unity of workers.

Kim Allen, a railroad worker, is the Socialist Workers Party's candidate.

What residents of Los Angeles face is a local expression of an economic crisis that is engulfing economies from Germany to Japan, from Mexico to Zaire--it is the crisis of the capitalist system worldwide. It is only in a world framework that we can begin to understand the causes of the problems we face and forge a way forward. There are no local solutions to the ravages of an international system in decline.

What the other candidates for mayor propose are measures that would advance the interests of the ruling rich at the expense of workers and youth. We are being told that immigrants are the problem and that the cops are the solution. We are being asked to accept the deepening attacks on our standard of living as our “patriotic” contribution to rebuilding Los Angeles.

When confronted with the brutal beating of Rodney King, institutionalized racism and the lack of justice for workers and especially those who are Latino or black--the other candidates for mayor respond only by calling for more police.


In the quest to increase their rate of profits, the ruling rich are compelled to drive back the gains made by working people in the social struggles of the past--the labor battles of the 1930s and ‘40s, the civil-rights movement, the women’s movement and the mass mobilizations against the Vietnam War. It was through these struggles that working people won the rights and standard of living that exists today. Social Security, public education, unemployment benefits--these are some of the victories of our class that are now under attack.

The xenophobic anti-immigrant campaign being advanced in this race stems from the need of the capitalists to deepen the divisions between workers and find a scapegoat for the crisis faced by all. Any solutions that start with “we Americans” or “we citizens” versus “them” is an attempt to tie down working people to the capitalists who are responsible for exploitation of our class worldwide.

The unity of working people across national boundaries is key to mounting effective fights against police brutality and wars and for defending union and democratic rights.


To have jobs for all, we propose a reduction in the work week with no reduction in pay, combined with a massive public-works program. In order to overcome the divisions the rulers impose, we must defend and extend affirmative action. No more cutbacks in education, health care and social services. Instead of immigrant bashing we need unity behind struggles like the drywallers’ strike. We support the right of immigrants to vote.

We point to the only way out of the current crisis: The working class itself has to organize society, not the wealthy few who control things now.
