
“Some of the steam is out. The...

“Some of the steam is out. The pressure cooker is not as tight as it was.”

--The Rev. Zedar E. Broadous, president of the valley branch of the NAACP.

“Just the idea of them putting handcuffs on Koon, that did me a world of good.”

--A Pacoima churchgoer.

The verdicts were “not good. It’s going to change the way police work is done.”

--An anonymous police officer at Van Nuys Division.

“I screamed, ‘yeah.’ Everyone was happy. It’s a good verdict, it was fair.”

--Rosario Lopez, 50, of Pacoima.

“It’s not justice, it’s half justice. The brothers that beat that truck driver--you know they’ll all go to jail.”

--John Taylor, 30, a security guard at a Tower Records store in Panorama City that was looted last year.

“I’m looking out the window every five minutes.”

--Bob Hillis, manager of the Winston Tire Store on Parthenia Street, near Tobias Avenue.
