
LETTERS TO HOME DESIGN : More Than Fog Can Creep In on Those Little Cat Feet

How gross to see a cat prominent in a feature picture on the cover page of Home Design (April 10) to introduce the topic of “preparation of food grown at the ecologically integrated Sprout Acres in Laguna Beach,” and comfortably beside the product on the counter for food preparation!

Sophie the cat is reportedly part of “the integrated setting” in the home of Lynne Spitalny Bayless, who believes in “more than lip service” and “living in an environmentally sensitive way.”

A microbiologist might inform this group of the microorganism orgy afforded by such hospitality to pathogens among them to contaminate and infuse such culinary rendition in the circumstances of cat hair and Lord knows what else liberally distributed by felines given free roam of entire homes and all surfaces therein, including those counters in the kitchen.


Many of us have family pets that have no idea they are not human beings, dogs of varying ethnicity with that acquired respect for good manners that would foreclose even feet on the sofa!

I will bet that I am not the first reader to notice this gastric upset nor to admit to having feigned excuses to so depart the presentation of such “banquet.” Why don’t “cat families” realize they carry directly to the counter that of the floor (and elsewhere, including garbage cans) on their body and feet?

Teddi Alves

Huntington Beach
