
Parent, Teacher and Students Uphold Valencia High Virtues

This article displayed to me very clearly the racism that still exists in society today.

The underlying theme was not that Valencia High School has a bad reputation because of its lack of involvement or low academic achievements. Valencia has a bad reputation because the majority of society still believes minorities, such as Latinos and Afro-Americans, are lesser human beings.

There is not one piece of evidence within school records and even from the student population itself that can support any thought that “Valencia is not as safe as El Dorado” or that “El Dorado is better.” Both schools provide an excellent education and a safe environment in which to learn.

Stereotypical beliefs about people are disproved everyday. Yet, as in the case of Valencia, myth prevails over truth. As a Valencia student, I feel I have learned to appreciate people as individuals and see through the bigoted prejudice that blurs society’s vision.



Valencia High School student
