
POP MUSIC REVIEW : A Guitar Jam From Fluid at the Roxy

Colorado rock band the Fluid pumped out a deafening, double-guitar jam Thursday at the Roxy that probably succeeded in blowing more amps than minds.

The quintet combines Hendrix-inspired acid rock with pulsating, raw beats from their past as part of Denver’s early punk-rock scene. The blend isn’t exactly original (remember the Damned?), but the sheer rhythmic reaction of heavy rock hooks and bouncing power punk should at least be fun.

The Fluid’s singer John Robinson squirmed like Iggy Pop but with half the charge, while belting out his monotonic vocals. The band played more loosely and powerfully live than they do on their latest album, “purplemetalflakemusic,” but their tunes all tended to sound the same.


The main problem is that the Fluid has no truly great songs. The music is marginally exciting because of its basic catchy structure, but no matter how many adrenalized “all rights” the band shouted in unison or how infectious the beats, the initial rush would eventually dissipate and the music would drop back into the same tired groove.

By the end of the long set, the band, as well as the audience, looked pooped. No matter how loud you turn it up, how uplifting can the same old thing be?
