
Beverly Hills : Disaster Survival Kit for Sale

The Beverly Hills Community Safety Assn. has assembled a disaster-preparedness kit for sale to residents.

Contained in a large green duffel bag, the kit’s contents are designed to serve the emergency needs of a family of four after an earthquake or other disaster.

The kits include a solar-powered radio, a crowbar, toilet paper, flashlight and batteries, a hard hat, industrial first aid kit, nylon rope, plastic bags, a multipurpose knife, waterproof matches, water purification tablets, a whistle, work gloves and a wrench for shutting off the gas. They also contain brochures provided by the Red Cross and other agencies.


Residents will need to supplement the kits with their own supply of food and water, association president Joan Marcy said. The kits contain only a small amount of purified water for cleaning wounds and taking with medication. Packaged food was not included because many residents prefer to stock their own pantry, she said.

The materials in the kit are provided at cost by Pioneer & Lucerne Hardware and will be sold at the Beverly Hills hardware store for $99.95, Marcy said. The association will receive $5 from each sale, to be used for further safety education and training for the community, she said.

Information: (310) 285-2133.
