
Mayoral Election

If all the money used by candidates for mayor were to be spent on education, housing, jobs, shelters, etc. (instead of their mudslinging), the public would know who had their welfare at heart--and elect such an individual--without campaigns, debates, publicity, etc.

I plan to skip voting for mayor. I’ll elect one who cares more for my welfare than attacking his opponent to the tune of thousands of wasted dollars.


Los Angeles

* Richard Riordan and Michael Woo are both unabashedly playing to the people’s fears rather than to their aspirations. Consequently, regardless of who wins, Los Angeles will end up with the greater of two evils.



Redondo Beach

* I am dismayed by your endorsement and reasoning supporting Michael Woo for mayor (editorial, June 4). The only way our diverse communities will be able to get along is when there are enough jobs and services for everyone. Making nice will not do it.

Dick Riordan might not be a panacea for all of our ills, but this city desperately needs someone who has dealt with the realities of the world, not idealism and ideology.


Los Angeles

* As a businessman who volunteered as co-chair of the executive committee of the Los Angeles Week in Hong Kong event, I must point out the inaccuracies in your May 22 article about mayoral candidate Mike Woo’s role in this 1991 event.


Los Angeles Week in Hong Kong represented the first privately funded effort by local business and community leaders to improve the image of our city amid the worldwide bad press resulting from the Rodney King beating and a rash of gang shootings.

Councilman Woo was asked to co-chair the event with Unocal chief executive Richard Stegemeier because, as the first Chinese-American elected city official, he is well-known in Asia. The executive committee was headed by myself and fellow businessman Joseph Chan. Neither of us are related to Councilman Woo and certainly are not his aides, as The Times alleged. Mayor Tom Bradley and Councilman Woo, along with several other sponsoring businesses, provided staff assistance to the organizational effort. It was not just a Woo affair as The Times reported.

The participation of Cathay Bank, a Chinatown bank which Wilbur Woo, the councilman’s father, serves as a director, was also overblown. Cathay Bank was only one of seven banks sponsoring our event, and the bank received the same publicity as any other corporate sponsor at the same contribution level. Wilbur Woo did travel with us to Hong Kong, but you failed to point out that he was also a California state world trade commissioner.


Among the 60 delegation members, we did showcase some of the participating business executives because of their international reputations. These included Stegemeier, who gave the keynote address at the American Chamber in Hong Kong; Bank of America Vice Chair James Miscoll, who gave a spirited defense of our city’s business reputation, and Security Pacific Asian Bank CEO S. Lachlan Hough who called for stronger Pacific Rim economic ties. Another sponsoring bank that we showcased was Hong Kong Bank because of its investments in our city. The Times managed to bypass all these activities to make this into some kind of Cathay Bank promotion trip. It simply is not true.


Co-Chair, Executive Committee

Los Angeles Week in Hong Kong

* I am writing this letter after long soul-searching and going carefully through the daily statements of Riordan and Woo. I am now firmly convinced that Riordan will be the most suitable next mayor of our great city. Riordan is a mature, extremely intelligent, shrewd and resourceful businessman, as well as being compassionate and caring.

L.A. needs a selfless mayor to work at bringing back the vibrant, economically sound city we all love. Riordan is the man!


Granada Hills

* Woo consistently shows his contempt for the religious population of Los Angeles. His advertising refers to Christians as ideologues that want to take over the country. And his public statement that Riordan’s supporters are “storm troopers” is an absolute slap in the face to anyone, Jewish or not, who cringes at the horrors of the Holocaust. Does Woo really expect to lead Los Angeles when he consistently shows his disregard for our deepest held beliefs?


Playa del Rey

* Riordan wants us to believe his millions have placed him beyond the influence of special-interest cash. As usual, political reality is different.

Riordan has been careful enough to lend rather than give his personal funds to his campaign. Thus, assuming he wins office, he may legally raise bushels of special-interest funds to get “paid back.”


Los Angeles must demand Riordan forgo any and all reimbursement of the personal millions he has spent on his campaign. If we continue to allow millionaires to buy political office, we should insist they do so out of their own pocket.


Los Angeles

* May we please get serious about Riordan’s so-called three arrests, two for drunk driving and one for interfering with a peace officer (May 29)? These weren’t just arrests--they were convictions. Riordan has admitted that in each case he pleaded guilty (or its legal equivalent) to a lesser, related offense. These were no youthful indiscretions. They occurred when Riordan was between ages 38 and 45. They weren’t little white-collar offenses. In addition to obstructing a policeman, Riordan was twice caught threatening the lives of motorists and pedestrians by driving while intoxicated.

In an election where crime and respect for the law are the biggest issues, Riordan’s criminal record deserves serious consideration.


Los Angeles

* With all the issues debated, I can’t believe The Times would make front-page stories of Riordan’s 25-year-old arrests. He said he learned his lesson and I personally would bet he is more aware of the seriousness of a DUI than those who have never been caught.


Los Angeles
