
FILLMORE : Council OKs Budget, Lays Off 3 Workers

Succumbing to continued budget woes, the Fillmore City Council will lay off three employees, including the community development director, and use the savings to provide added police protection.

It was the first time that the Fillmore council, which Tuesday adopted a preliminary General Fund budget of nearly $2 million for fiscal year 1993-94, has resorted to slashing jobs.

The budget was approved on a 4-1 vote. Although Councilman Scott Lee agreed with the cuts, he wanted a portion of the $131,609 law-enforcement allotment held in reserve until the state finalizes its budget.


“We have the ability to maintain the status quo within our existing resources without eliminating any positions,” City Manager Roy Payne said. “However, the City Council had determined they wanted to find some way to provide additional police coverage.” The city contracts with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department for law-enforcement coverage.

The action came after a five-member citizens committee pored over the city budget to find a means of providing the extra patrols.

Those affected are Development Director Mary Ann Krause, Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator Nellie Jasso and two part-time public works employees. A vacant part-time clerical job will not be filled.


Krause’s duties will be assumed by Payne, city officials said.

The savings will be used to fund one patrol car--operated by an officer on overtime and a reserve--for three additional eight-hour shifts.

Presently, Fillmore has two-car coverage at all times, with one officer in each vehicle.

“This was the toughest decision I’ve ever made as mayor,” Michael McMahan said. “But providing safety is more important than just about anything else we do in this city.”
