
How to Avoid Stepping on Toes

A few rules, known collectively as dance floor courtesy, help everybody get along:

Two-step dances or waltzes are executed in a counter-clockwise circular direction around the dance floor. Advanced dancers should keep to the outside of the circle (the fast lane), beginners to the inside (slow lane). Swing or line dancers, if sharing the floor with two-steppers, should stay in the center.

In general, watch for other dances to avert collision. If you do collide, apologize.

Important: Be careful not to obstruct dancers when entering the floor. Then, during the dance, if you goof up or want to discuss a move, either leave the dance floor or keep moving with the line of dance, even if you’re just walking. Don’t inhabit the dance floor if you’re not dancing.

When a dance ends, exit immediately, as other dancers will start up with the next song.

For extra credit: When executing line dances, if you notice a beginner at your side trying to copy your moves, perform the dance without any added turns or embellishments so he or she has an easier time learning the dance.


What to wear: Western trappings may be all the rage at country dance clubs, but you don’t need to spend a penny on new duds to start. Just wear something comfortable, whether it’s slacks, shorts or a skirt, and don’t worry about them Yankee cowboy boots (that’s country for Nikes), although shoes with leather soles that don’t grip the floor are preferable.
