
“The Doctor’s Beauty Hotline: Quick Fixes for Beauty Crises”

Authors: Dr. Fredric Haberman and Margaret Danbrot.

Info: HarperPerrenial, 1991. $9.95 paperback. 197 pages plus an index.

As the title implies, this is an easy-to-use reference guide for cosmetic catastrophes and other emergencies of appearance.

This is a book probably no one should be without, even if you’re not the self-conscious type--those who won’t leave the house when a zit erupts. The reader will learn how to fix problems (do you know what spider veins are or how to erase them?) and keep other threats at bay as long as possible.

And it’s not all vanity. Also included: how to combat hives, calm blotchy skin, control dandruff, treat calluses and toughen fragile nails. Plus instructions for a 60-minute “spa” to relieve dry skin, a 15-minute treatment to refresh red, teary eyes, a two-step crash plan for damaged hair and a special-occasion facial.



Dr. Fredric Haberman is also the author of “Your Skin: A Dermatologist’s Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty and Health.” Margaret Danbrot is the author of several books on beauty, health, fashion and fitness. These books are available at Barnes & Noble, Costa Mesa, and other area bookstores.
