
Congressman Vs. Lobbyist

* I was somewhat amused by the June 28 article “Looking Out for County Is His Job,” in which Congressman Elton Gallegly questioned the need for Ventura County to pay $30,000 a year to retain a lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

An example of one accomplishment of lobbyist Roger Honberger was to get a Camarillo flood control project to the top of the list for federal funds to be sent to the county as part of President Clinton’s economic stimulus package. Federal funding for this project took many months of work to secure, but Honberger’s work was for naught, as Clinton’s stimulus package failed--leaving Honberger to search for another way to get this project into next year’s federal budget.

Ironically, Gallegly voted against the stimulus package, which would have funded the Camarillo project and created needed jobs in Ventura County. It seems we are paying two guys who are working in opposite directions up there in Washington.


The article questioned the need for a Washington lobbyist for Ventura County. I question the need for the congressman. Let’s keep Mr. Honberger, who is busting his hiney for $30,000 a year and making an honest attempt to bring home some badly needed bacon, and get rid of Gallegly--the guy who is working against our lobbyist and costing the taxpayers a $130,000 salary and many thousands in office expenses.


