
Politics Not Responsible for Rabbi Jacobs Leaving

* John Dart’s article on the new Kol Tikvah congregation (July 17) is totally false in its implications about Rabbi Steven Jacobs’ departure from Temple Judea in 1983.

His liberal politics may have bothered some members, but that happened years before and had absolutely nothing to do with his departure. The busing/anti-busing issue and Bobbi Fiedler’s politics were not a consideration in the divisiveness that ensued years later.

The catalyst that caused the split and his ultimate departure from Temple Judea culminated in issues surrounding a cantor--but in reality it was a power play between the board of directors and Rabbi Jacobs. When the congregants voted on the contract, Rabbi Jacobs lost the vote--clear and simple.


The insinuation that liberal members with a philosophical difference from remaining Temple Judea members went with Rabbi Jacobs to found a new temple is totally off the mark.

Temple Judea has stayed intact and still has two liberal rabbis. Many of us on Rabbi Jacobs’ side politically have departed from him spiritually and remain as members of Temple Judea.


