
Benefit at Mall Raises $22,500 for Red Cross


An all-day “radio-thon” at Buena Park Mall raised more than $22,000 to benefit flood victims in the Midwest and replenish Orange County’s disaster aid fund.

Anaheim’s KEZY-FM radio station spearheaded Thursday’s benefit for the Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross. Radio personalities made their broadcasts from the mall, which lasted from 5:30 a.m. until 9 p.m., and asked listeners to make donations.

Judy Iannaccone, spokeswoman for the local chapter of the American Red Cross, said $22,500 was raised through listener pledges and donations by shoppers.


Children called in or came by the mall to pledge pennies and dollars, she said, adding that some of them emptied their piggy banks.

April Whitney, the station’s midday air personality and director of promotions, said the money raised will be split between flood victims and the disaster relief fund.

“We’re thrilled with the response from Orange County,” Whitney said.

Iannaccone said that last year the Red Cross responded to 133 disasters in the county--fires, landslides, tornadoes and floods. The Red Cross provided more than $220,000 in 1992-93 to assist the victims of those disasters, she said.


During the last fiscal year, the Orange County Red Cross spent $588,969--all from donations--to provide disaster services, which include the cost for operation expenses as well as the direct services to victims, Iannaccone said.

Donations for “Flood Relief” may be made by calling (714) 835-5381.
