

An exchange on the “MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour”--between journalist Roger Mudd and Washington columnist Elizabeth Drew--on the night in late May when the House was to vote on the original deficit-reduction plan:

Mudd: ‘What is riding on the vote this evening?’

Drew: ‘Nothing less than the Clinton presidency.’

Mudd: ‘Really?’

Drew: ‘I don’t deal in overstatement.’


‘Six days into a presidency to be talking about a failed Administration is a pretty outrageous stand.’

--Richard Smith, editor in chief of Newsweek


‘In the same way that CNN has speeded up the news cycle,’ weekend talk shows have created ‘an incredible acceleration of the judgment cycle. Everybody is competing . . . to render the definitive judgment.’


--Ronald Brownstein, political reporter, Los Angeles Times


Media commentators were ‘ferocious . . . extraordinarily shortsighted’ in their premature determination to inter Clinton’s presidency. . . . Many in the public feel ‘bombarded by highly opinionated commentators and that gets confused with daily reporting’ of the news.

--Andrea Mitchell, White House correspondent, NBC News
