
Gov. Pete Wilson

* After seeing how Gov. Pete Wilson first vetoed the bill (Oct. 12) that would make a state holiday for that great champion of the oppressed farm workers, Cesar Chavez, and then has the unmitigated gall to appear before the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Oct. 16) to espouse his frenzy against immigrants, especially from Mexico, in his search for votes so he won’t be bounced out of office at the next election, (I feel) this man has hit a new low in dirty politics.

Wilson didn’t have the common decency to mention the passing of Chavez. We know why--he is afraid of hurting the sensibilities of the agribusiness and pesticides corporations that helped put him in office. It is no wonder. Chavez was always fighting for decent working conditions for the farm worker and striving to eliminate the carcinogens in the pesticides that are commonly used to produce our food.



* Gov. Wilson’s veto of legislation establishing March 31 as Cesar Chavez Day can only temporarily deny and merely forestall the inevitable day when a Chavez Day becomes a state-sanctioned holiday honoring the great, late farm labor leader. Moreover, the governor’s veto can only intensify and consolidate the resolve of Americans of Mexican descent and all people of conscience to give Chavez his due.


As we Democrats and Republicans bide our time to oust “one-term Pete” from office, we should lobby all local government bodies--city councils, county supervisors--to proclaim March 31 as Cesar Chavez Day. As a matter of honor, principle and self-respect, we cannot let this concern slip from the top of the political agenda.


